Top 5 things to Do to Prepare for an Electrical Outage

Top Five Things to Do to Prepare for an Outage

At Pearl River Valley Electric, we strive to limit the amount of time our members are without power. However, during natural disasters such as hurricanes or tornadoes, longer outages are unavoidable.  Below are some tips to prepare for outages both long and short.

1.       Emergency Supply Kit

We recommend that everyone have an emergency supply kit ready, especially since we live in a hurricane prone area.  Items to include are a non-electric can opener, cooking tools, paper plates and plastic utensils, a first aid kid, flashlight with batteries, toiletries, important documents, medications and seasonal clothing.  These are just a few recommended items and you can personalize it to your individual needs.

2.       Purchase a Generator

Portable generators can be a great help when the power is out, however you must use them safely.  Remember to operate your generator outdoors, not in a garage, carport or in a storage room to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.  Do not attempt to operate your generator in wet conditions.  This could cause an electrical shock.  In addition, have a fire extinguisher nearby and never attempt to fill the gas tank while it is operating.

3.       Stock up on Non-Perishable Food and Water

If you hear a hurricane or storm is headed your way, check on your supply of bottled water and non-perishable foods.  Planning early at the start of hurricane season will help you avoid crowded stores with bare shelves.  A good general rule is one gallon of water per person per day.  Dried foods such as cereals, fruit and other treats work well. 

4.       Gas Up and Charge Up

Wide-spread outages can affect everyday living.  Make sure your car/cars have a full tank of gas, since pumps may not work after a major storm.  Also, make sure you have your phone charged so you can report your outage to PRVEPA or make emergency calls after the storm has passed.  It’s also a good idea to visit an ATM to have cash available in case businesses don’t have power.

5.       Unplug Appliances or Turn Off All Electronics

When power lines are damaged during storms, there can be a spike or surge in the line.  Unplugging your appliances can prevent damage to those appliances.  When you see streetlights or other households with power, you know the power is back on.

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